RENU Day Spa Owner Shares Business Advice with Junior Girl Scout Troop

RENU Day Spa Owner Shares Business Advice with Junior Girl Scout Troop

I recently had the opportunity to speak to the Deerfield fourth grade Junior Girl Scout Troop #40012 from Walden and Kipling schools on “What it Takes to Be Successful Business Woman.” I was delighted to discuss my business with such an attentive audience.

I shared the secrets of my success by comparing building my business to growing a sunflower. I explained that the seeds of my business were my ideas to provide healing, relaxation and beatifying services for men, women and children. I had to plant the seeds and tend to them before I had the beautiful plant that is RENU Day Spa.

Using seeds as my only prop, I explained to the girls that planting sunflower seeds is similar to starting a business. A good gardener or business owner has to do the following to make the seeds grow:

  • ·         Nurture the seeds: Water and fertilizer are essential for plant growth.  A business owner nurtures the business with the right mix of dedicated employees and services that set it apart from other businesses.
  • ·         Be patient: Seeds do not sprout overnight and businesses grow slowly.
  • ·         Protect the plant: Gardeners need to spray for bugs.  Business owners need to learn from their mistakes and seek the advice of experts.
  • ·         Embrace the sun: Even if you plant a sunflower where there is no sun, when it starts to grow it will turn toward the sun. If you take care of your business the right way, you will have success.
  • ·         Rejoice when you see the birds: A sunflower plant attracts beautiful birds when it grows.  When your business grows you see the customers
  • ·         Enjoy the harvest!
  • ·         Don’t despair if the plant withers: Maybe you just have to plant more seeds or come up with a better business plan.

I gave each of my gardeners eight seeds to plant outdoors when the weather conditions are right – although my first piece of business advice was to wait until the week before Mother’s Day, to ensure that the shoots will appear after the last spring frost.

You have never seen such an excited bunch! I asked each of them to send me a photo of their plants in full bloom, as well as progress notes on several of the businesses they are planning to launch.  In addition, they all left clutching my business card.

It’s never too early to teach your children responsibility so that their dreams will become their reality!


Anna Pamula


Anna Pamula is the owner of RENU Day Spa in Deerfield. Incorporating a holistic approach to health, beauty, relaxation and pamperingthe spa menu includes services for men, women and children.


Phone: +1 (847) 940 9727
617 Central Ave Deerfield, IL 60015